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miercuri, 11 mai 2022

Generate icons from BMP pictures

An icon (file with the "ico" extension( is a container, so it contains one or more pictures. To manage these pictures, the ico file has a simple header.
As you can see below, the same code can be used to generate a static cursor (a file with the "cur" extension), because there are only a few differences between icons and cursors.

The images must be no bigger than 256x256 pixels.
The images used can be bitmap (BMP) files or Portable Network Graphic (PNG) files, but the following code can be used only for BMP images.

Here is the code used by me:
FUNCTION genicob
* Generates an ico / cur file from one or more bmp *
* Parameters
* - laIcons     array with the name (and path) of the bmp files (passed by reference)
* - lcFileName    name of the output file
* - llCur      (optional) .F. (default) the result is icon /.T. the result is cursor
* - lnHotX      (optional) the x coordinate for the hotspot (cursor only, where the mouse clicks)
* - lnHotY      (optional) the y coordinate for the hotspot (cursor only, where the mouse clicks)

LPARAMETERS laIcons,lcFileName,llCur,lnHotX,lnHotY
LOCAL lcResult,lcResult2,lnIcos,lni,lcImg,lnWidth,lnHeight,lnSize,lcS,lnBPix,lnColors,llRes,lnOffset
IF PCOUNT() < 5 OR VARTYPE(m.lnHotY) <> "N"
  lnHotY = 0
lnHotY = FLOOR(MIN(MAX(m.lnHotY,0),65535))
IF PCOUNT() < 4 OR VARTYPE(m.lnHotX) <> "N"
  lnHotX = 0
lnHotX = FLOOR(MIN(MAX(m.lnHotX,0),65535))
IF PCOUNT() < 3 OR VARTYPE(m.llCur) <> "L"
  llCur = .F.

llRes = .T.
lnIcos = ALEN(laIcons)
lcResult = CHR(0) + CHR(0) + CHR(IIF(m.llCur,2,1)) + CHR(0) + BINTOC(m.lnIcos, "2RS")
lcResult2 = ""
lnOffset = 6 + m.lnIcos * 16
FOR lni = 1 TO m.lnIcos
  STORE 0 TO lnWidth,lnHeight,lnSize,lnBPix,lnColors
  lcS = ""
  IF FILE(m.laIcons[m.lni])
    IF is_bmp2(m.laIcons[m.lni],256,256,@lnWidth,@lnHeight,@lnSize,@lcS,@lnBPix,@lnColors) = 0
      IF !m.llCur
        lcResult = m.lcResult + CHR(m.lnWidth) + CHR(m.lnHeight) + CHR(m.lnColors) + CHR(0) + CHR(1) + CHR(0) + BINTOC(m.lnBPix, "2RS") + BINTOC(m.lnSize, "4RS") + BINTOC(m.lnOffset, "4RS")
        lcResult = m.lcResult + CHR(m.lnWidth) + CHR(m.lnHeight) + CHR(m.lnColors) + CHR(0) + BINTOC(MIN(m.lnHotX,m.lnWidth), "2RS") + BINTOC(MIN(m.lnHotY,m.lnHeight), "2RS") + BINTOC(m.lnSize, "4RS") + BINTOC(m.lnOffset, "4RS")
      lcResult2 = m.lcResult2 + m.lcS
      lnOffset = m.lnOffset + m.lnSize
      llRes = .F.
    llRes = .F.
IF m.llRes
  STRTOFILE(m.lcResult + m.lcResult2,FORCEEXT(m.lcFileName,IIF(!m.llCur,"ico","cur")))
RETURN m.llRes

* Check if a file is a bmp
* Compare width and height of the image is compared with maximum values
* Return the current width and height in pixels, the file size in bytes and the picture in the last parameters
* Return value is
* 0 - success
* 1 - not a BMP
* 2 - too wide
* 4 - too high
* 8 - incorect number of parameters
* is_bmp2 must be called with 9 parameters:
* - image file
* - maximum width
* - maximum height
* - (output) width in pixels
* - (output) height in pixels
* - (outut) size in bytes of the file
* - (output) the image file as a string
* - (output) the number bites per pixel
* - (output) the number of colors

FUNCTION is_bmp2
LPARAMETERS lcFil,lnWidthm,lnHeightm,lnWidthR,lnHeightR,lnSize,lcS,lnBPix,lnColors
LOCAL llSgn,llIsbmp,lcS2,lcSourceRow,lnSourceRow,lnSourceRowLen,lnPixel,lcPixel,lcDestRow,lnSourceOff,lnSourcePixel,lnBytes,lnColorPixel,lnDestChar,lnDestPosPixel,lc2Pixels,lnWidth,lnHeight
IF PCOUNT() < 6 OR VARTYPE(m.lnWidthm) <> "N" OR VARTYPE(m.lnHeightm) <> "N" OR VARTYPE(m.lcFil) <> "C"

lcs = FILETOSTR(FULLPATH(m.lcfil))
llsgn=ASC(SUBSTR(m.lcs,1,1))=66 and ASC(SUBSTR(m.lcs,2,1))=77
IF m.llsgn
  STORE CTOBIN(SUBSTR(m.lcs,19,4),"4RS") TO lnWidth,lnWidthR
  IF m.lnWidth > m.lnWidthm
    llIsbmp = m.llIsbmp + 2
  IF m.lnWidth = 256
    lnWidthR = 0
  STORE CTOBIN(SUBSTR(m.lcs,23,4),"4RS") TO lnHeight,lnHeightR
  IF m.lnHeight > m.lnHeightm
    llIsbmp = m.llIsbmp + 4
  IF m.lnHeight = 256
    lnHeightR = 0
  lnBPix = CTOBIN(SUBSTR(m.lcs,29,2),"2RS")
  lnColors = CTOBIN(SUBSTR(m.lcs,47,4),"4RS")
  * Prepare the mask
  lcS2 = ''
  lnSourceOff = 1 + CTOBIN(SUBSTR(m.lcs,11,4),"4RS") && bitmap offset
  CASE MOD(m.lnBPix,8) = 0 && color depth = 8,16,24 or 32
    lnBytes = CEILING(m.lnBPix / 8)
    lnSourceRowLen = m.lnWidth * m.lnBytes && number of chars for a line of pixels
    IF MOD(m.lnSourceRowLen,4) <> 0 && is always rounded to 4 bytes (4 chars)
      lnSourceRowLen = m.lnSourceRowLen + 4 - MOD(m.lnSourceRowLen,4)
    FOR lnSourceRow = 1 TO m.lnHeight
      lcSourceRow = SUBSTR(m.lcS, m.lnSourceOff + (m.lnSourceRow - 1) * m.lnSourceRowLen, m.lnSourceRowLen)
      lcDestRow = ''
      lnDestChar = 0
      lnDestPosPixel = 0
      FOR lnPixel = 1 TO m.lnWidth
        IF m.lnDestPosPixel = 8
          lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + CHR(m.lnDestChar)
          m.lnDestPosPixel = 0
          lnDestChar = 0
        lcPixel = SUBSTR(m.lcSourceRow,1 + (m.lnPixel - 1) * m.lnBytes, m.lnBytes)
        IF m.lnBytes = 3
          lnColorPixel = CTOBIN(m.lcPixel + CHR(0) , '4RS')
          lnColorPixel = CTOBIN(m.lcPixel , LTRIM(STR(m.lnBytes)) + 'RS')
        IF BITXOR(m.lnColorPixel , CEILING(2 ^ m.lnBPix -1) ) = 0 &&AND m.lnColorPixel <> RGB(255,255,255)
          lnDestChar = BITSET(m.lnDestChar , 7-m.lnDestPosPixel)
        lnDestPosPixel = m.lnDestPosPixel + 1
      lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + CHR(m.lnDestChar)
      IF MOD(LEN(m.lcDestRow),4) <> 0
        lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + REPLICATE(CHR(0),4 - MOD(LEN(m.lcDestRow),4))
      lcS2 = m.lcS2 + m.lcDestRow
  CASE m.lnBPix = 4 && color depth = 4 (16 colors)
    lnBytes = 0.5
    lnSourceRowLen = m.lnWidth * m.lnBytes && number of chars for a line of pixels
    IF MOD(m.lnSourceRowLen,4) <> 0 && is always rounded to 4 bytes (4 chars)
      lnSourceRowLen = CEILING(m.lnSourceRowLen + 4 - MOD(m.lnSourceRowLen,4))
    FOR lnSourceRow = 1 TO m.lnHeight
      lcSourceRow = SUBSTR(m.lcS, m.lnSourceOff + (m.lnSourceRow - 1) * m.lnSourceRowLen, m.lnSourceRowLen)
      lcDestRow = ''
      lnDestChar = 0
      lnDestPosPixel = 0
      FOR lnPixel = 1 TO m.lnWidth
        IF m.lnDestPosPixel = 8
          lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + CHR(m.lnDestChar)
          m.lnDestPosPixel = 0
          lnDestChar = 0
        IF MOD(m.lnPixel,2) = 1
          lc2Pixels = SUBSTR(m.lcSourceRow,1 + FLOOR(m.lnPixel / 2) , 1)
          lcPixel = SUBSTR(TRANSFORM(ASC(m.lc2Pixels),"@O"),9,1)
          lcPixel = RIGHT(TRANSFORM(ASC(m.lc2Pixels),"@O"),1)
        IF ISDIGIT(m.lcPixel)
          lnColorPixel = VAL(m.lcPixel)
          lnColorPixel = ASC(m.lcPixel) - 55
        IF BITXOR(m.lnColorPixel , 15 ) = 0
          lnDestChar = BITSET(m.lnDestChar , 7-m.lnDestPosPixel)
        lnDestPosPixel = m.lnDestPosPixel + 1
      lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + CHR(m.lnDestChar)
      IF MOD(LEN(m.lcDestRow),4) <> 0
        lcDestRow = m.lcDestRow + REPLICATE(CHR(0),4 - MOD(LEN(m.lcDestRow),4))
      lcS2 = m.lcS2 + m.lcDestRow
  CASE m.lnBPix = 1 && monchrome
    lcS2 = SUBSTR(m.lcS, m.lnSourceOff)
    lcS2 = ""
  IF m.lnHeight = 0
    lcS = SUBSTR(STUFF(m.lcS , 23, 4, BINTOC( 512,"4RS")),15) + m.lcS2
    lcS = SUBSTR(STUFF(m.lcS , 23, 4, BINTOC(2 * m.lnHeight,"4RS")),15) + m.lcS2
  lnSize = LEN(m.lcs)
  llIsbmp = m.llIsbmp + 1
RETURN m.llIsbmp

The code can be used like this:
DIMENSION laIcons[1]
* icon
laIcons[1] = HOME(4) + "Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\SAVE.BMP"
* cursor
laIcons[1] = HOME(4) + "Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\SAVE.BMP"

ofrm = CREATEOBJECT("myform")

DEFINE CLASS myform as Form
icon = "SAVE.ico"
mousepointer = 99
mouseicon = "SAVE.cur"

Check the attached icon.
First I have created a 256x256 24-bit BMP picture, using Windows Paint.
This picture I resized it (and saved) into another 4 pictures: 128x128, 64x64, 48x48 and 32x32
When necessary I made some fine adjustments to the resized pictures
Finally I have used MS Paint to create the 16x16 picture.
The generated icons contains all these six pictures. 

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